måndag 11 maj 2009

Cut The Rope

Jag gjorde precis ett helt onödigt quiz på Facebook som hette "What month were you born?", vilket ju är ganska självklart i och för sig, men det var mest för skojs skull. Mitt resultat blev såklart Februari, men jag blev mållös då jag läste beskrivningen utav mig som stod under mitt resultat, för det var så otroligt träffande!

"You have a lot of abstract thoughts. You love reality and abstract. You're intelligent and clever. You have a changing personality. You're also very attractive. Sexiest out of everyone. You tend to be a bit temperamental at times. You're quiet, shy, humble, honest and loyal. You're always determined to reach your goals. You love freedom. You're also very rebellious when restricted. You love aggressiveness. You are too sensitive and easily hurt. You tend to angry really easily but don't show it. You dislike unnecessary things. You love making friends but rarely show it. You’re daring, stubborn, and ambitious. You love entertainment and leisure. You're romantic on the inside not outside. You tend to be superstitious and ludicrous."

Läskigt, eller hur?

take care / s.pehrson

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